Monday, October 18, 2010

Connect: Oliver Twist and Prezi

So, as it turns out… Prezis are awesome. The final product that you get is, in today’s vernacular, “pretty sweet”. My first Prezi took me a while (a couple of hours) to build, as I was learning how to navigate and use the software.

I ended up teaching my roommates about Oliver Twist using my Prezi presentation. The first thing they noted was how much more engaging the Prezi software is. I think they also enjoyed how presentation was divided into a plot and two theme sections.

One of my roommates commented how he thought it is was neat to use cutting-edge technology to talk about themes and topics of the past. Additionally, I found that knowing my Prezi inside and out helped me give an effective presentation as I was better able to anticipate what was coming next and also better respond to questions and insights.

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